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Convergence of Blockchain and no-code technology is important... Deregulation and reinforcement of support

▲ (Photo = Reporter Lee Han-soo)
Active support is also needed in Korea for Blockchain and no-code technologies that the world is focusing on.

The importance of the two technologies was mentioned at the seminar for the commercialization of the platform of small and medium-sized enterprises’ original technologies at the main building of the Korea Constitutional Council in Yeouido, Seoul on the 10th.

On the same day, we introduced WIZBL, a company specializing in Blockchain solutions and financial platforms, and Agados, a no-code technology company, and learned about the impact and challenges of the two technologies on the industry and the current status of domestic technologies.

No-code technology is a technology that helps ordinary people who do not know difficult coding or programming to develop apps, web, or other programs that only software engineers could develop.

With its own native Blockchain Mainnet ‘BRTE2.0’, WIZBL has established real-time processing speed and strong security and prepared a new Blockchain financial payment platform based on this.

“The world’s top 10 strategic technologies and Blockchain engine and no-code technologies that will move the future are technologies that global companies are focusing on to dominate the financial and IT markets,” said Yoo Kyung-hyun, chairman of the Korea Constitutional Council.

Park Sang-hee, chairman of the Small and Medium Venture Business Committee, said, “Small and medium-sized enterprises’ competitive technology and active entry into the global market contribute to the globalization of native small and medium-sized enterprise technologies and the development of domestic industries.”

“A fatal mistake that ignores or knows the big trends going on around the world, but can’t do anything under the framework of regulation must be avoided for the future of our community,” he said. “We need to ease regulations and provide active support.”

Lee Sang-hee, former Minister of Science and Technology, said, “South Korea is known as an IT powerhouse, but only 1% of the global market share of software does not evolve into a platform business.”

” WIZBL’s real-time processing Blockchain technology, which is an element of the platform business, and No-code technology, which allows ordinary citizens to participate freely, are the key to the software technology industry.”
Reporter: Lee Han-soo