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WIZBL and Chungnam National University Hospital signed a business agreement for medical data Blockchaining

▲ Song Min-ho, director of Chungnam National University Hospital, and Yoo Oh-soo, CEO of WIZBL, take a commemorative photo after signing a business agreement to build a Blockchain pilot project at Chungnam National University Hospital on the 22nd. Deliver WIZBL
WIZBL, a Blockchain company, signed an MOU with Chungnam National University Hospital on the 22nd to establish a Blockchain pilot project for electronic prescription systems at the seminar room on the 3rd floor of Chungnam National University Hospital.

Under the agreement, the two organizations will establish an automated medical information delivery system based on Blockchain, such as electronic prescription delivery and certificate issuance. As a result, it will have a monitoring system that can reduce inefficiencies in the delivery process and prevent possible problems such as forgery and modulation of data in advance.

The main contents of the business agreement are ▲ cooperation in developing Blockchain solutions in medical information ▲ cooperation to advance Blockchain technology and pursue convenience ▲ cooperation in securing intellectual property rights and information.

The patient’s medical data has often contained sensitive personal information, requiring significant levels of security. In addition, as it is directly related to the patient’s life, if forgery or modulation occurs, it can be expanded to fatal accidents. In addition, management costs were high because the data was so vast. In this respect, Blockchain technology has been considered as a future topic in the medical community.

“Blockchain, a key foundation technology in the era of the 4th Industrial Revolution, can be applied to many industries,” said Moon Young-chul, chief technology officer. “I think Blockchain’s advantages will be most effective in healthcare, which requires high reliability and security for data.” It also stressed that it will create a new solution that blocks possibility of forgery and modulation of data.

Meanwhile, WIZBL introduced its own Blockchain platform “BRTE” at the CES held in Las Vegas for four days from Jan. 8 this year. This drew attention because it dramatically increased the speed of low transaction processing, which had been pointed out as a limitation of existing Blockchain. It also introduced a payment system based on BRTE called ‘ WIZBLpay’. Through this, WIZBL plans to make payment using virtual currency possible in real life.
Reporter: Park Chanho
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